Artificial Intelligence - the business network in Trentino

The pandemic has accelerated the need to invest in the future! 

In addition, there is so much data in Trentino (and in the world) that companies are unexploited to produce value for the companies and entities that manage it. Our response to this issue has been

A business network that includes four local excellences in the field of Big Data & Artificial Intelligence to face new scenarios together and strengthen Trentino as a fertile "habitat" for the innovations imposed by the technological transition.

Before this partnership, Trentino lacked a strong industrial partner in the field of Artificial Intelligence, where the University of Trento is already a national and international reference point.

Now this partner is there, thanks to the aggregation of Delta Informatica, Dimension, Thread Solutions, and U-Hopper: 4 business realities in the ICT world, convinced that every challenge is better faced, combining different skills and different experiences!

In Thread Solutions, we collaborate with other companies in the industry to respond together to new market issues and give our contribution thanks to what we do well: digital integration!  

The Trentino.AI project, which started in 2021, is already enjoying great success and aspires to move out of the local context. 

The medium-long-term goal is to become a real HUB in the Ai and BigaData field on a national and international level.

CEO Pompeo Viganò of Delta Informatica also talks about it during an interview published in Adige's "Economy and Innovation" insert. 

Full article: 

Delta Informatica – Il futuro tra intelligenza artificiale e Agritech_PART 1
Delta Informatica – Il futuro tra intelligenza artificiale e Agritech_PART 2

Image firma

August 5, 2022: Signature of Costitutive Act

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